Sunday, November 7, 2010


There is a grief that is like no other
It infects the eyes too subtly
                                    it cannot be seen
The mind is seared, the spirit is extinguished
Yet not one man has ever felt pain or loss
It is a flame that burns, yet leaves no trace
It is the most dangerous weapon in the world
So dangerous that no one ever gets the advantage
                                    all sides are defeated
                                    all teams lose

This is the grief of the mother whose child rises to power and fame
This is the grief of the lover whose beloved has kissed him for the first time
This is the grief of the graduate whose valedictory address has been spoken
This is the grief of the nationalist who saw the revolution happen
This is the grief of the artist after finishing a masterpiece
This is the grief of the king as he looks at the expanse of his kingdom

It is the grief of destiny, of chance, and of fate
It is the grief of reality
That as one savors victory, triumph, success
       as a human being achieves his life-long goal
                                                his desire
                                                his purpose
There is another that groans in pain and misery
And takes all the inequality and oppression
Instead of you