Sunday, May 31, 2009

Man Shall Live!

    In the event that the world is extinguished, man will live on. And this is a matter of fact.
    The immediate reasons for the discussion of an absurd idea is limited to the opinion of a misfortuned audience. It has, however, become exceedingly important in infinitesimal proportions. The notion of a defeated man amongst the monsters he has created is a widespread agenda, one which many holds prophetic and inevitable. The current degeneration of man and society and the physical world it lives on points directly to an apocalyptic disappearance of life itself. The universal law of increasing entropy drains power to all ideas which defy destruction. And the suicidal culture which pervades the world through addictive pleasures and ecstatic illusions brings about the non-fictional tragic novel that everyone reads, sees, and hears (though the latter is somewhat helpful in stopping the population explosion, it should be apparent with further research on other environmental sources that too much culling would lead to a population crash). This hellish perspective is bound to be thrown to itself, however.
    The open system with which living things operate cannot continue on its own. The close association of all life in the biosphere is what poets and biologists deeply acknowledge. The circle is not a simple one, however; each link is a level higher. This impossible but real relation can be likened to a surreal river which flows round itself. The circle of life is also the pyramid of levels. To further confuse the analogy, the pyramid's bottom is as high as the pyramid's top. How would that be? Tracing the lineage of organisms from the most primitive to the most modern, the development is apparent. Life formed itself into bigger units, with greater complexity. Thus is the move from the unicellular to the multicellular (and if science fiction would be right, to multi-organism). At first look this is a linear progression, from something crude to something better. It is a very important thing to note, however, that unicellular life has advantages over multicellular life, and vice-versa. That is, bacteria possess better survivability than humans. The diversity of conditions that these single cells can live on – from the extreme conditions of temperature, salinity, etc to the median of which we could call “normal” - they simply cannot be eliminated. And they, in association with viruses (of which, even if there are strong arguments against its being “living”, can give rise to life i.e. evolve into a living thing if the need arises), are in many ways indestructible. On the other hand, however, is the complexity with which even man cannot understand, and which renders invincibility in one way or another. It is the difficulty of a brain contemplating itself, but the other end of the spectrum could be roughly labeled as “reason” with adequate logicality. The way bacteria survive is by mere adaptibility through simplicity; man, on the other hand, survives by adaptation through intelligence. If a bacteria can live by altering itself to suit the situation, man is known to alter situations to suit himself. In some ways technology is limited, but in the core of each one's hearts is the truth that time is science's only constraint. Thus the human end of the pyramid defies entropy through understanding.
    Of course, one would be disturbed by this mad-scientist point of view. It should be clarified, however, that the term “reason” is not limited to science. Faith has logic in itself, and the spirit is ever as powerful as matter.
    Thus man will survive. If the world degenerates, man would be able to refresh it. If Earth explodes, then other planets would be colonized. If the universe collapses, then dimension-hopping would be the solution. And if Armageddon comes, then let us all be saved by the cross!


Ezra Templonuevo said...

kent! again, i'm impressed...:D miss you!

Kenneth Abante said...

A(H1N1)!!! Man shall live! :)

Caela Tanjangco said...

Wow. you made sense :)). miss you kent!